
Showing posts from December, 2018

StackExchange Friday: Another example of stupid Android architecture

Excerpts from: Android relative layout background crash The Question: On loading an exception is raised: android.view.InflateException at the RelativeLayout's line. If I remove "android:background", everything works perfect. What's wrong with my_shape_normal? The Answer: Caused by: org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException: Binary XML file line #6 <gradient> tag requires 'angle' attribute to be a multiple of 45 That's right: the angle of a gradient is defined as an integer, but you can only provide integer values that are multiples of 45. What happens when you don't? Your application crashes. You want a different angle? Too bad. Now, it's reasonable to expect that developers will encounter this error throughout the course of their usual development, and will fix it. This is just another one of those items on the list of tribal knowledge an Android developer must acquire. The chances of this getting out in the wild are slim to none, but...

On The Importance of Recommitting

I used to be a passionate person. I wore my emotions on my sleeve. When I was happy, I was stoked. When I was sad, I was deeply depressed. When I was mad, I was furious. I write all of that in the past tense, as if I no longer have passion or somehow have heroically mastered my emotions and am in complete control of my thoughts and feelings. I’m not making that claim, only that I have been mindful of this and am constantly practicing to better understand my feelings and to gain space between that spike of negative emotion and how I act on it. A mentor of mine helped me realize the value of playing in the gray. That’s quite an achievement. I’ve been struggling with my practice for the second half of this year. I have spent so much time in introspection, learning new ways of understanding myself and the world. But I am not taking enough action to cement these learnings. I heard a quote recently, “loving your neighbor is all well and good when you have nice neighbors.” This and other th...

MLM’s Abysmal Numbers

I’ve heard 4%, this says 1%. Be informed and do your homework: if you pursue a MLM opportunity, the chances are slim to none that you will make money. I’ve known this since my college roommate tried to get me to join Amway. Here’s a paper distributed by the FTC that provides some facts about the viability of MLM for profit. The Case (for and) against Multi-level Marketing By Jon M. Taylor, MBA, Ph.D., Consumer Awareness Institute